Caribbean Independent Advice
A house or a lot or a share in a condominium, you won't do better than to ask us to quote.
No land transaction in Jamaica can proceed unless the parties have a 'TRN' (Taxpayer Reference Number).
We can help you get one of these if you don't have one already.
You need to budget for these things:
If you are selling you need to make sure your Title is in order and in the correct name (see our other pages on inheritance and family land).
It can take a considerable time to put right any Title problems, so why not talk to us at the start to avoid any delays and disappointments later on?
Unlike an attorney several thousand miles away - who may not pursue the matter in your absence, and will not be easily contactable - we are just a local phone call or an email away.
As much as possible of the administrative and legal work in your case will be carried out in the UK, before being processed in the Caribbean by our own staff or attorneys selected by us.
Caribbean Independent Advice
6A Waldram Crescent London SE23 3LW